AP - Accounts Payable

Fostering Effective Supplier Partnerships

How Does Embrace Accounts Payable Benefit You?

Embrace Accounts Payable ensures close relationships with suppliers and improves cash flow. Efficiently and accurately process invoices, pay accounts, analyze all expenses, and take full advantage of all available discounts.

Successful companies are lowering their cost of business by implementing streamlined and controlled processes. With Embrace Accounts Payable, managing supplier disbursements is a simple and straightforward process.

Embrace ERP Software Security

Disciplines and controls ensure that payments are not processed incorrectly. Embrace Security gives access to relevant functions required by each user, while a full audit of every change on the master files is available. Workflow can be enabled to secure approvals on critical data such as bank accounts.

Manage the Spend

Tight integration with all the Embrace Modules, including Inventory and Purchasing, ensures the necessary controls for procurement and enables finance to manage the spend.

"Embrace is extremely user friendly. The system is logical, intuitive, and very easy to work with. When new staff join, it is easy to teach and show them how to use Embrace and perform their job function quickly and efficiently.”

  Sheryl Herring - Financial Manager

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